How To Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Kentucky

Apply For Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card Online

What is an MMJ Card in Kentucky?

A Kentucky medical marijuana card is an identification card issued to medical marijuana patients and caregivers to permit them to purchase and possess for medical purposes in the state. Medical marijuana cardholders are registered in the state’s medical cannabis registry and can legally possess medical marijuana within stated limits. Kentucky legalized medical cannabis on March 31, 2023 and started accepting patient and caregiver registrations in its medical marijuana program on January 1, 2025.

Who Can Apply for an MMJ Card in Kentucky?

Kentucky issues medical cannabis registry ID cards to qualified patients and designated caregivers. The state’s MMJ card is available to anyone who is:

  • A resident of Kentucky
  • Diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition
  • Has no disqualifying felony offense conviction

Kentucky also offers a visiting qualified patient medical cannabis card to out-of-state patients. Such individuals do not have to be residents of the state but must have valid MMJ cards issued in their home states and provide medical records confirming diagnosis of one or more of the medical cannabis qualifying conditions recognized in Kentucky.

Can a Minor Obtain a Medical Marijuana Card in Kentucky?

Yes. Minors can apply for medical marijuana cards in Kentucky. One of the four types of MMJ cards issued in Kentucky is the in-state minor qualified patient registry ID card. To be eligible, an applicant must be under the age of 18, be a resident of the state, and provide these documents:

  • Written consent from their custodial parent or guardian
  • Written certification for medical cannabis from an eligible healthcare practitioner with a bona fide care relationship with the applicant
  • Medical documentation from another healthcare provider confirming the diagnosis of a qualifying medical condition
  • Notarized signature form

What Conditions Qualify for Medical Marijuana Cards in Kentucky in 2025?

Kentucky’s medical maijuana law recognizes the following medical conditions as qualifying for medical cannabis access:

  • Any form, type, or state of cancer
  • PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Epilepsy and other intractable seizure disorders
  • Chronic nausea or cyclical vomiting syndrome
  • Multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, or spasticity
  • Chronic or severe pain

How Do I Apply for an MMJ Card in Kentucky?

The Office of Medical Cannabis of the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services accepts and processes applications for medical marijuana registry IDs in the state. To apply for a Kentucky MMJ card, visit the Patient and Caregiver Registration Portal to set up an account. Before starting your registration, you must obtain the documents required. After providing the required details and documentation, you will be directed to pay the registration fee before submitting your application. The Cabinet may take up to 30 days to review your application.

How Does a Primary Caregiver Get a Kentucky MMIC?

A caregiver can only get a medical marijuana card in Kentucky after registering to join the state’s medical cannabis program. Caregivers can register this program on the Patient and Caregiver Registration Portal provided by the Kentucky Office of Medical Cannabis. Kentucky requires caregivers to be 21 years or older and residents of the state. A caregiver must also not have a prior conviction of a disqualifying felony offense. During registration, a caregiver must provide the name and registry ID number of the patient they wish to support. The patient must, therefore, designate the caregiver during their own registration. Kentucky allows a caregiver to assist up to three registered medical cannabis patients.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Kentucky MMIC?

After submitting your application on the provided portal, the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services will acknowledge receipt within 15 days and decide whether to accept or reject your registration within 30 days. A digital registry ID, ready to download, will be provided within 5 days after you receive a notice that your application to join the Kentucky medical cannabis program has been approved.

Getting a Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card Online

Getting a Kentucky MMJ card online requires registering with the state’s medical cannabis program via the Patient and Caregiver Registration Portal. After providing the required information and documents, you will be directed to pay the registration fee and then be notified if your application is approved and when your medical marijuana card is ready to download.

How Much Does a Medical Marijuana Card Cost in Kentucky?

The Kentucky Office of Medical Cannabis charges $25 for its medical marijuana card. This is the same fee for each of the four types (in-state qualified patient, in-state minor qualified patient, designated caregiver, and visiting qualified patient) of MMJ cards issued in the state.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for a Medical Cannabis Card in Kentucky?

When registering for the Kentucky medical marijuana program and applying for its medical cannabis card, you will be required to provide the following documents:

  • Written certification for medical cannabis from an authorized medical practitioner
  • Valid government-issued ID to confirm your identity, age, and state of residency
  • Attestation of information sharing
  • Notarized signature form

If you are minor, you will also be required to provide documentation supporting the diagnosis of a qualifying medical condition from a healthcare practitioner other than the one providing your written certification. A visiting patient does not have to provide proof of Kentucky residency. However, they must provide a copy of their medical marijuana card issued in their home state as well as medical records supporting their diagnosis of a qualifying medical condition.

What Information Appears on a Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card?

Kentucky provides a digital registry ID upon accepting an application for a patient or caregiver. However, you can request a physical card to be delivered by mail. A Kentucky medical marijuana card provides the following information:

  • Name, address, and date of birth of the cardholder
  • Status of the cardholder i.e. registered qualified patient, visiting qualified patient, or designated caregiver
  • Date of issuance
  • Date of expiration
  • QR code establishing the validity of the card

Can Someone Track Me Down Through the Kentucky Registry?

No. Kentucky protects the information of individuals in its medical cannabis registry in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The U.S. enacted the HIPAA in 1996 to set a national standard for patient healthcare information protection. A patient's medical information is confidential and cannot be released to a third party without the patient's consent.

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