Take Action on Cannabis Legislation in Kentucky

Here are the bills that are currently being considered by Kentucky legislators.

To support or oppose a certain bill, contact the original sponsors of the bill and your local representatives, to tell them your opinions.

Session Bill Number Document Key Issue Bill Name Sponsored By Contact Sponsor
2025 HB34 DETAILS Create a limit for a blood level of tetrahydrocannabinol signifying intoxication An act relating to driving under the influence of marijuana Mitchum Whitaker (R) Mitchum Whitaker
2025 HB106 DETAILS The bill amends KRS Chapter 218A to decriminalize personal-use cannabis, update definitions, adjust related laws, remove taxation, and permit retroactive expungement. AN ACT relating to cannabis Nima Kulkarni (D) Nima Kulkarni
2025 SB33 DETAILS Reforms Kentucky's marijuana laws by removing criminal penalties for possession of up to eight ounces or five marijuana plants and creating a comprehensive expungement process for prior marijuana-related convictions An act relating to marijuana David Yates (D) David Yates