Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card

Apply For Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card Online

Is Medical Marijuana Legal In Kentucky?

Yes, medical marijuana became legal in Kentucky when Governor Beshear signed SB 47 into law on March 31, 2023. The law took effect on January 1, 2025 with the establishment of the Commonwealth's Medical Cannabis Program and the opening of the Patient and Caregiver Registry portal. To access medical cannabis in Kentucky, you must be registered in this program and have a medical marijuana card. Individuals eligible for these must obtain written certifications from licensed physicians confirming that they are living with one or more of the medical conditions approved for medical marijuana use in the state.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Kentucky


Schedule an appointment with a licensed healthcare practitioner for an in-person medical evaluation, after which the practitioner will issue a written certification on a form prescribed by the Office of Medical Cannabis of the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. A bona fide patient-practitioner relationship must exist prior certification


Once the patient obtains a written certification for medical cannabis, they can apply for a Kentucky medical cannabis registry identification card on the Patient and Caregiver Registration Portal within 60 days of obtaining their certification


The Cabinet for Health and Family Services will acknowledge receiving a registration within 15 days and approve or deny the application within 30 days. Successful applicants will get their medical cannabis registry identification cards within 5 days of getting their application approved

Qualifying Conditions for Medical Card in Kentucky

As stipulated in SB 47, individuals with the following medical conditions qualify for medical marijuana in Kentucky:

  • Severe, chronic, debilitating, or intractable pain
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Multiple sclerosis, spasticity, or muscle spasms
  • Epilepsy or any other seizure disorder
  • Cancer of any type, form, or stage
  • Cyclical vomiting or chronic nausea that fails to respond to other conventional medical treatments
  • Any medical condition or disease ruled to benefit from medical cannabis by the Kentucky Center for Cannabis

Can I Apply For A Medical Marijuana Card In Kentucky Online?

Yes. In addition to paper applications, the Kentucky Office of Medical Cannabis also accepts registrations online. Patients and caregivers can apply for the state’s medical marijuana cards online on the Patient and Caregiver Registration Portal.

How Do I Register With The Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program?

Start by opening an account on the Kentucky Patient and Caregiver Registration Portal and then logging in. You can then initiate your registration from there. Before registering on this portal, you must first obtain a written certification from a healthcare practitioner eligible to recommend medical cannabis in Kentucky. During registration, you must choose which of the four medical marijuana cards available in the state you wish to obtain. These are:

  • In-state qualified patient card
  • In-state minor qualified patient card
  • Designated caregiver card
  • Visiting qualified patient card

In addition to written recommendations from medical cannabis physicians, Kentucky also requires applicants to sign and submit notarized signature forms and attestations of information sharing.

Do I Need To Be A Kentucky Resident To Get A Medical Marijuana Card?

No. However, Kentucky requires applicants for its in-state patient and caregiver medical cannabis cards to be residents. The only MMJ card open to non-residents in Kentucky is the visiting qualified patient card. To register for this card, a visitor must provide a copy of their MMJ card issued in their home state.

What Is The Cost Of A Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card?

The Cabinet for Health and Family Services charges $25 for each medical cannabis card issued in the State of Kentucky.

What Do You Need When Visiting A Medical Marijuana Dispensary In Kentucky?

Qualifying medical marijuana patients and designated caregivers must provide their medical marijuana cards as well as valid photo IDs when visiting medical marijuana dispensaries in Kentucky.

Who Can Prescribe Medical Marijuana In Kentucky?

The following healthcare practitioners who are licensed to prescribe controlled substances will be able to recommend medical cannabis in Kentucky once the medical marijuana program is established:

  • Doctors of osteopathy or medicine
  • Advanced practice registered nurses

Get Certified For Medical Marijuana in Kentucky

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Can A Minor Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Kentucky?

Yes. Kentucky allows qualified patients under the age of 18 to obtain its in-state minor qualified patient card. However, they must provide consents from their custodial parents or legal guardians when registering with the state’s medical marijuana program. In addition, they must not have been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense. Minors must also provide additional medical records confirming the diagnosis of their qualified medical conditions from practitioners other than the ones providing their written certifications.

Can You Get A Medical Marijuana Card At 18 In Kentucky?

Yes. When minors turn 18, they can apply for their Kentucky medical marijuana card as adults. This means that they will be eligible for the in-state qualified patient registry card and would no longer need parental consent to obtain their MMJ card.

How To Renew Your Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card

With the Kentucky medical marijuana program only just commencing, the Office of Medical Cannabis has not provided the steps needed to renew a medical marijuana card issued in the state. However, the renewal process is likely to be the same as the initial registration steps. Note that Kentucky medical marijuana cards are only valid for up to 1 year.

Is Medical Marijuana Legal In Kentucky?

Yes, medical marijuana became legal in Kentucky when Governor Beshear signed SB 47 into law on March 31, 2023. The law established the state’s medical cannabis process, set a commencement date, and created the Office of Medical Cannabis.

Can You Grow Medical Marijuana In Kentucky?

No, Kentucky prohibits qualifying medical cannabis patients from cultivating medical marijuana at home for personal use.

Does Kentucky Allow Medical Marijuana Patients To Designate Caregivers?

Yes. Kentucky’s medical cannabis law makes provisions for caregivers for patients younger than 18 years and qualifying cannabis patients with disabilities. A caregiver can pick up medical marijuana products at licensed dispensaries on behalf of registered patients and administer their medications to them. Caregivers must apply for registry identification cards as designated caregivers. To become a caregiver in the Commonwealth, a person must be at least 21 years old and a resident of Kentucky who has not been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense. A designated caregiver may only assist up to three registered qualifying marijuana patients in Kentucky.

Kentucky Medical Marijuana Reciprocity

Kentucky requires out-of-state patients to obtain its visiting qualified patient card. Such an applicant must provide a valid medical marijuana card from their home state and documentation of a qualifying medical condition recognized in Kentucky during registration.

Are My Medical Marijuana Records Private?

Yes. Medical marijuana records are private in line with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Nonetheless, law enforcement agencies and sometimes employers may request access to certain information in patients' medical marijuana records.

Does Insurance Cover Medical Marijuana In Kentucky?

No, health insurance does not cover medical marijuana in Kentucky.

What Is The Medical Card Limit In Kentucky?

The Kentucky medical cannabis registry card will allow an in-state patient to purchase up to a 30-day supply of medical cannabis within a 25-day period. Qualified caregivers have the same limit for each of the patients under their care. Visiting qualified patients can only purchase up to 10-day supply within an 8-day period.

Can You Go To A Dispensary Without A Medical Card In Kentucky?

No. Dispensaries in Kentucky need to verify the identity and age of each person entering their business premises as well as their registration status and validity as shown on their medical marijuana card.

Apply For a Medical Cannabis Card

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